In life, there are two things I can never explain. That a man cried for help to my ears and I did not hear, and that very same man disappeared as nothing that existed. Everyone needs a friend, or someone very close to his or her heart. But once one has that, people always question, ‘what is happening between those two?’ But one thing they’ll never do is to ask one of you.
The vessels are broken, the heart is torn apart. Four years ago, when the vessels were made, everything seemed to be perfect. No one questioned. Four years down the line all vanished. The vessels are broken. Only if we would see the future, we would actually be different. Anyway, we can still see what is to come, by learning from other people’s experiences. Hence I am sharing this with you today. If I have learnt anything in this life, only this, that there are two types of pain in life, the pain that hurts you, and the pain that changes you.
The fact is, in life we all going it loose someone we love in one way or the other. If you haven’t, count yourself blessed, which I doubt if none hasn’t. Come on! It’s 2019.
It is not easy to distinguish difference between the pain that hurts and that which changes you, hence you need time to see through it. It is very hard to answer the question ‘what’s wrong?’ when there’s nothing right.
You can see many smiles in the world, BUT you can never know whose world is upside down. In my ears, I can still hear his cries, but I cannot do anything now, it’s finished. I can never be the same—never. Everyone in this world can be your friend, but not everyone in this world can be an ear to your cries. And that’s the honest truth, which I will never compromise on. That was the man who cried to my ears, whom I did not hear. That was a friend, a brother, and an angel. But I failed. And it’s not just a failure; I failed dismally.
Only if we could rewind the time like a movie we would all right our individual wrongs. To make them better, to make others smile too, as we once smiled. To see the best in others, as some saw best in us as well. To make life easier for others, as we were taken care of at some point. When the vessels are broken, everything becomes miserable, why? Because without the vessels you cannot contain anything. Let alone the precious vessel that only contains the precious gifts and them alone. Not every vessel is the same, every vessel has its own tilos that is to say: its own purpose. You can never replace any vessel with anything. Same as to people, you can never replace anyone with anyone and with anything. Not even money can do that, not even gold can. I wish to share this with you that take every person you meet as a vessel that will never be replace, before that vessel be broken and irreplaceable.
I read somewhere, in 2015 that: “It’s not because you don’t care, but because they don’t care.”
I still find myself feeling sad. No one can handle your heart better than you, so don’t give it to a person and then complain. Well what if you’re too late? What if you have given it to someone already? Well, it’s not too late, do not reclaim it but make it a point that you own a good fortune of it. Have a room for disappointments, make sure that room is empty and beautiful, and make sure that it is clean, so that when you get disappointed, you would silently visit it, without first needing to clean or remove some stuff out of it.
In life, there are mornings that you would have to say to your pillow, “Dear Pillow, sorry for all the tears that I shared last night… I could not help it, it was heavy for me… besides, tonight is not guaranteed that it won’t happen again. Please Pillow, have a space for my emotions too.”
Look, it’s very easy to hurt someone and then just say sorry again. But believe me, it’s very difficult to get hurt and then say “I’m fine!”
I once experienced this, someone asked me what was wrong, and I smiled and said nothing. When they turned around and a tear came down and I whispered to myself… Everything is and if you want to know what’s that… it’s a broken vessel.
In a way I am proud of my heart, it’s been played, cheated, stabbed and even broken like a vessel, but somehow, it still works, it still love, it still cares. Have you ever listened to a song, and you start crying out of nowhere? Let me tell you something. Most of the times, it’s not the song that makes you cry or emotional, but it’s the people and things that come to mind when you hear it. The worst battle is the one that goes on between your heart and your mind. Because you just never know which one to listen to.
Every heart has a pain. Only the way of expressing it is different. Fools hide it in eyes while the wise hide it in their smile. So never try to hide your secrets and emotions from someone who can read your eyes. Because often those who can read our eyes are experts in reading our heart. Some pretend to be caring, and actually would even appear as people who care, but deep down their hearts they don’t, they only want what could be the topic for the news headlines. We have people like that; we have friends like that. I would prefer physical pain than emotional pain. Because physical pain can heal, but emotional pain will always be there.
It’s also very easy to say “busy” when someone needs you, but trust me, it’s very hard to hear “busy” when you need someone.
Let’s try again. Distance is not an obstacle but space not filled. Sometimes I wish I were a little kid again. Skinned knees are easier to fix than broken vessels.
I hope you get the message.