The Upside to Being Haunted During the Pandemic

Most people would agree, being haunted is not on their bucket list. But, with COVID-19 and the need for social distancing, maybe we should look at the upside of living in a haunted house:

You will never be lonely: Most people with active hauntings say they feel like someone is watching them. If you feel like someone is watching you, then you won’t feel alone. And, the adrenaline response to feeling watched acts as a stimulant. You can get some of that closet cleaned out. You know, the one you’ve put off for years. You may even start to look forward to those dreaded work Zoom meetings because they take your mind off of the ethereal voyeur.

You will never be bored: If you are haunted, you are being entertained. You may only hear the occasional wail at night or phantom footsteps in an attic (that doesn’t exist because you live in a studio apartment in the attic). With a particularly active entity, cabinet doors bang randomly, dishes fly out of cabinets, the water turns on and off by itself, maybe even the chairs stack themselves in your kitchen. The need to clean up and get a good night’s sleep will keep your mind sharp—a genuine plus.

You may always have someone to talk with: Get out your recorder and start asking questions to the air around you. If you have a spirit in your house, you may get a response. You have the beginning of a conversation. Ask more questions, get more answers, before you know it, another day of isolation is over.

No need for social distancing or a mask: Since the person haunting you is already dead, there is no need to wear a mask and hold that awkward, muffled conversation. And, there is no need to worry about the six-foot rule, just like pre-COVID19 (almost).

I’m sure there are more positives to being haunted during a pandemic. Maybe you can send me your suggestions?

Happy Halloween.

Mary Ann Poll, America’s Lady of Supernatural Thrillers, is the award-winning author of the Iconoclast series. Mary Ann draws from her real-life experiences, as well as her imagination, to create supernatural thrillers
