Beelzebub, The Magnificent

You don’t need to know my name. I go by Beelzebub, and I am the Magnificent. You will know all you need to know soon. Soon enough. You think Teddy B. who thought he was so smart, will be remembered. Forget that. Wait until I make the news. Anybody remember Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma Fed Building bombing as dramatic as it was? Or Wade Michael Page, who blew up a bunch of rag-head Sikhs in one of what they dare to call their “temples”, or Dylann Roof, who killed a bunch of what we’re  now supposed to call African-Americans in Charleston Church, or Robert Bowers, who took down Pittsburgh synagogue in Pittsburgh? None of heroes that carried out the work of God are still in the news, still remembered, still revered—except by me, I suppose.

If you go back a bit, there are a whole bunch of our kind of people—WASPS, nationalists, real populists, true blood segregationists who hardly get a mention in the news media of today, despite the great work they did. Those workers just didn’t go about the publicity angle good enough. Maybe they weren’t educated enough, or smart enough, or had the stick-to-itiveness that was needed. Well, things are gonna change. I am smarter, better educated—don’t bother looking it up, I’m what you’d call self educated—better organized, and more driven to get the job done for the good white folks of the country and for the rest of the world.

When Beelzebub, the Magnificent, makes his mark; and he will–believe you me– he (really, that’s me), will never be forgotten and will hold a great place in American and world history. Then–in the shrine that will get built–you’ll all get to hold dear the names of heroes and martyrs like: The noble Klansmen and segregationists—Thomas Edwin Blanton Jr., Herman Frank Cash, Robert Edward Chambliss, and Bobby Frank Cherry, who showed their courage and conviction at the African American 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, and the  Mississippi Burning heroic action that got rid of three leftie Eastern activists back in June, 1964. You gotta laugh when you learn that it was actual Neshoba County Mississippi cops who did us that favor. It was during the so-called. They disposed of the traitor to his kind, James Chaney, from up around Meridian, Mississippi, Andrew Goodman—sounds like a Jew–and Michael “Mickey” Schwerner—a radical Jew, of course–from New York City—of course. Let the names of those invaders of the true South be forgotten, the the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan be emblazoned in your hearts, brothers.

They are: Cecil Price, Samuel Bowers, Alton Wayne Roberts, Jimmy Snowden, Billy Wayne Posey, Horace Barnette, Jimmy Aldredge, and Edgar Ray Killen. They all went through Kangaroo trials held in secret by Jew lawyers and African-American judges—everyone of them. You won’t read that in the news, and all the records about them have mysteriously “disappeared.”

Our people have been at the work for a long time. I’ll give you some history; you can forget trying to Google this; the dark side left has already expunged the records. Try to remember these heroes: the Armed Resistance Unit who carried off the audacious bombings of the U.S. Senate Building, three military installations around D.C., and four enemy sites in New York City. Their names were Marilyn Jean Buck, Linda Sue Evans, Susan Rosenberg, Timothy Blunk, Alan Berkman, and Elizabeth Ann Duke—all good real American names. I checked all of them out. I have my sources, trust me. And there was Paul Hasson from Maryland. He was a  true White Nationalist Coast Guard lieutenant who got fed up with all the commies, Jews, Papists, and atheists, who run the country. In February, 2019, he carefully planned of plotting targeted assassinations of high-ranked liberal—or do we have to call them progressives now?—Holly Weird, and fake news alt-left, antifa, ideology of death,  celebs.  Brother Paul had some well-chosen, medium and high value targets. He had the arms and even biological weapons he got from brothers in the CIA secret biological labs. Some commie ratted him out on trumped up (no pun-intended, haha) weapons and drug possession before he could get his great work done. So, of course, his contribution to American history has been tucked away in some so-called “classified” archive in Langley.

I would wish that you could have a little shrine place in the sanctity of your White Christian homes to honor of Gordon Kahl, a Posse Comitatus brother, who killed two federal marshals who were illegally hounding him. Then, they murdered him. Include in your sacred shrine Eric Rudolph who executed a series of daring  attacks back in the late nineties (ancient history, right?). He did the 1996 Centennial Olympic Park bombing—which killed two, and injured 111. You could ask why? Why the Games? I’ll tell you. It was to cancel the games, because they promote global socialism and communism. He knew he would embarrass the U.S. government and get us out of the foreign involvement business. The man was a prolific hero. He bombed an abortion clinic in Sandy Springs, Atlanta, the Otherside Lounge—dirty name–an Atlanta lesbian bar, in 1997, and an abortion clinic in Birmingham. The man was a hero, but I bet you can’t remember him. When I am finished, people will flock to the All American, All White, All Christian schools and libraries to learn about Brother Eric and the rest.

I’m coming; and when I come, the landscape will change. It will be America for Americans—real White heterosexual Americans, and an America where our White Children are safe from integration, stupid leftist ideas, and the enemies of the real America. Did I say it would be easy? Oh, no sir. I did not. I will start the way, show the way, and lead the way. My name will be written in the hymnals of the real Christian religion, and there won’t be any other foreign religions left in the country.

Be afraid. I’m coming. Know that I am the Lord of the Earth, Beelzebub, and I am Magnificent. You won’t know when or where; but you will remember when I do. And you will love the new America I bring—unless you happen not to the White, Christian, Protestant, conservative, flag-loving (Confederate and U.S. only), and have the right thoughts, hahaha.


Beelzebub, The Magnificent


{Author’s Note: Don’t get all bent out of shape. The above is fiction; in fact, it is a foreshadowing for an upcoming novel I am working on. This rambling rant represents everything I despise in terms of intolerance, bigotry, and unwarranted violence. I hardly need say that, I hope. I intend to debunk the ideological base that supports such extremism, left and right; but my book will be a story, not a sermon, or a philosophical treatise.}

-Carl Douglass

I chose to use a pseudonym for personal reasons. I’m a retired neurosurgeon living in a rural paradise and am at rest from the turbulent life of my profession. I lived in an era when resident trainees worked 120 hours a week–a form of bondage no longer permitted by law. I served as a Navy Seabee general surgeon during the unpleasantness in Viet Nam, and spent the remainder of my ten-year service as a neurosurgeon in a major naval regional medical center. I’ve lived in every section of the country, saw all the inhumanity of man to man, practiced in private settings large and small, the military, academia, and as a medical humanitarian in the Third World.
