When I purchased my home in 1992, I liked the plan because it had many large windows. I’ve always loved waking up in the morning and seeing the sun shining. I just knew it had to be a great day because the sun was shining and here, in this house, I have all of these huge windows that allow me to see God’s beauty.
The first thing I did was put solar screens on every window and door to keep the heat out and it did dim the light somewhat, but not that much from the inside. I just couldn’t see in the windows from the outside and it helped my utility bill considerably.
I also hired a professional landscaper. When I came home from work the first night, I saw he had planted rose bushes across the entire length of the back yard, except for the two end corners where there were palm trees. There was grass and decorative rock and a small patio area running the length of the house—but it is the rose bushes that shine. Each one is a different color and some are rose trees.
My bedroom has an eight-foot patio door almost in the middle of the room and except for six feet on this side of the door opening where my headboard is, I pretty much have an open view of my roses.
It seems I was meant to write from my bed. In 2010 I fell while trying to teach my puppy to use her new doggy door. She was really fast. She went one way and I went the other and I landed on the hardwood floor breaking the ramus (hole) in my pelvis in four places. It never did heal properly. But I figure it was a blessing in disguise. It was the beginning of my writing career. I laid in bed wondering what I was going to do for seven months while my bottom healed.
I turned on the TV and all I heard was how wonderful Mr. Obama was so I picked up my laptop and it didn’t take long to write my first book called SOUNDOFF, so titled because I was sounding off.
On May 1, 2018 I had an accident on my scooter and tore the meniscus under my knee cap as well as damaging the whole left side of my body.
In October 2018 I was officially diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.
I still get around. My scooter wasn’t damaged—just me. And at home I have an electric chair and I walk when I am up to it.
All of my books have been written from my hospital bed. If I turn my head to the left, summer or winter, spring or fall, in Las Vegas, Nevada I have beautiful roses. The palm tree in the East corner throws a large canopy over the corner yard.
My puppy keeps me company and entertained. When I am typing, she seems to know I am to be left alone so she will lay on my feet. She is a little toy Pomeranian. But sometimes she thinks I need a break so she comes up and stands on my typing table and that means “I need some attention.” Or she will come closer and bury her head under my arm and try to get on my lap above my computer. She really is a cutie.
I wake up and nearly every morning of the year the sun is shining. How can you not thank God for blessings like that? With Him I can fly.