Weather Control

“I wish the rain would stop,” one villager complained. As though by command, the rain slacked off and the clouds broke apart.

The Wise One looked upon his people gathered before him and spoke. “There has always been weather and people have always complained about it. For thousands of years floods and droughts, blizzards and tornadoes have plagued mankind, the climate always changing. Climate change panic reached a climax during the first half of the 21st century until scientists learned how to control the planet’s weather.”

The people listened attentively. They loved the stories the old man told. He lived in a time before them.

“It began with large solar mirrors placed in space. The mirrors directed sunlight and solar energy to Polar Regions during the long dark winters. Well, if we can direct reflected sunlight to light up the north, the scientists decided, then we can also shield the sun to temper the desert.”

“It sounds like a story from legends,” one villager commented. But they have all seen relics that confirm the Wise One’s stories are true.

“Controlling the distribution of water on the planet proved to be the greatest challenge. To solve the problem, scientists designed anti-gravity glacier ice transports to transport fresh water resources from the ice fields of Greenland and Antarctica to reservoirs around the world.”

“How big were the blocks of ice?” asked an inquisitive young woman.

How could he describe the size in terms they would understand? She and the others have never seen a city block.

“The ice block was as big as the peak of the mountain,” the Wise One said pointing to the dark peak silhouetted in the moonlight. “Eventually scientists learned how to simulate conditions for producing rain wherever they wanted it. Earth’s atmosphere evolved into one giant science lab as weather conditions came increasingly under human control. Deserts became verdant fields of grain. Prairies became fruit orchards. Everyone on the planet had plenty to eat. The world was at peace.”

“What happened?” someone asked when the Wise One paused.

“It all started with a minor dispute. A dignitary’s wife from one nation insulted the dress of a dignitary’s wife from another nation and the senseless dispute escalated. Saudi Arabia blocked the sun from North America shutting down its solar grid. In retaliation, North America turned mirrors on Saudi Arabia frying the land. Other nations took sides. China flooded Russia. Russia turned China into a dust bowl.

“A massive space battle ensued with catastrophic destruction. All governments fell and survivors formed into isolated social units.” The Wise One became silent. He had finished his story. The people sat quietly around the central fire pit, their crude huts surrounding them.

“So science failed,” one young man said breaking the silence.

“No, Son, science worked. It was humanity that failed.”

I was born in New Orleans, grew up in the Louisiana swamp, and then settled in Alaska as a young woman. After decades of living the Alaska dream, teaching school in the bush, commercial fishing in Bristol Bay and Norton Sound, and building a log cabin in the woods, life had provided me with plenty to write about. The years of immersion in the mystique and wonder, and challenges and struggles, of living in remote Alaska molded my heart and soul. It is that deep connection I share with my readers.
