What Makes Writing Beautiful

An idea, a thought, an image dwells within;

Hidden among the murky folds of conscious thought;

Yearning to play within another’s mind;

But captive to the limits of expression.

The question is, “How does one break these bonds?”;

And connect the two dissimilar minds as one;

Though perfect connection is not possible;

Because each mind knows only of itself.

Write a symphony: quite impractical for me;

Learn to paint: not interested in that;

Write a novel: I think this is the answer;

To link our minds in a beautiful embrace.

Rich Ritter discovered a passion for writing during his tumultuous high school years. This zeal was consumed by technical writing during his lifelong profession as an architect until the age of 49, when he began work on his first novel. Ritter was born in Iowa, raised in the social cauldron of Southern California, completed his architecture degree (Cal Poly SLO) in Denmark, and is a 40-year Alaska resident. 
