What Type of Messenger Are You?

What Type of Messenger Are You?

Pitter-patter the stomping of tiny feet across the ballroom floor.

Have you ever noticed that since you arrived in this world, you’ve always been delivering a message? Even before you were born, when your mother became aware that she was pregnant, your message was there.

When you see a rose, open and beautiful, its very presence makes you feel wonderful. You don’t need to tell yourself how wonderful the rose is; you can see all the beauty and romance of that rose. You smell the rose, and the rose never says a word.

You understand the message, but not with words.

If you go to a forest, you see birds talking to birds, and the trees talking to trees, with another kind of symbology. You can see the inner communication of everything around you, and it’s amazing.

There are messengers everywhere in this world, but have you ever thought about it?

Adam Freestone is an Alaskan author and writer of the Sentinel Flame series. He writes fantasy stories but also has a talent for the unexpected. This doesn’t come as much of a surprise considering he has been coming up with stories his whole life. But apart from his writing skills, he isn’t quite what most people would expect. He is a near quadriplegic man afflicted with Muscular Dystrophy, confined to a wheelchair and dependent on a ventilator, but despite everything he has going against him, he never lets it stand in his way. He is a go-getter, animal and nature lover, MDA participant, and smart minded writer. Everything that goes into his stories is carefully considered, nothing he writes goes down casually. His stories are never quite what they first appear to be.
