Although we make every effort to accurately represent the services and/or products presented on this website, we make no assurance, representation or promise regarding future publications or future interactions between authors and readers, or how they will go.
Testimonial statements, or examples of interactions with authors, represent what could happen to you as a member; however, there is no promise or guarantee that you will experience the same level of interaction or get the same amount of publications in your membership.
There is no assurance that any prior results regarding interactions or publications may be an indication of your future access or interactions in our community.
You should undertake your own due diligence regarding your evaluation of any services and/or products presented on this website. You as a member are fully and solely responsible for anything you may post or say to other members, including our authors. We reserve the right to terminate your membership without notice if your behavior in the community is found to be in any way disrespectful to others.
For the foregoing reasons, you agree that we are not responsible for any decision you may make regarding any information presented on this website or any of the services and/or products presented on this website, and that you are solely responsibly for any and all actions you may take as a member within the Readers and Writers Book Club.