Cil Gregoire


Cil Gregoire

Meat Prohibition

In 2022, Congress passed an amendment banning the possession, sale, and consumption of meat. It became illegal to slaughter any animal for any purpose, including …

Cil Gregoire

Terror on the Tundra

It was my turn to take the GDV (gravity defying vehicle) to check on an unusual tower reading of carbon dioxide and methane gas emissions. …

Cil Gregoire

Space Travel

My aversion to space travel began at the tender young age of ten when I traveled with Daddy for the grand opening of his first …

Cil Gregoire

The Dream Catcher

Mary Anderson never enjoyed traveling to distant places preferring the security of home and the comforts of habit to the unknown and uncertain. The Dream …

Cil Gregoire

Walking the Dog

You might have a smart phone, a smart TV, even a smart house, but do you have a smart dog leash to walk your dog? …

Outside the Dome
Cil Gregoire

Outside the Dome

Running late, I hurried into the transport station relieved I didn’t have to wait in line. The door swooshed shut behind me. After collecting all …

An Unexpected Encounter
Cil Gregoire

An Unexpected Encounter

  “I’m surprised you have been assigned back to the planet’s surface after what happened on your last specimen gathering mission,” Vuhv teased his partner. …

Cil Gregoire

Time to Write

Blazing gold leaves turned to leaf mold covering promises of another spring. Time to write. A red fox scampered lightly over crusty snow through boreal …

Cil Gregoire

Growing Tomatoes in Alaska

Spring awakens in me the desire to garden and the quintessential garden fruit is tomatoes.  Growing up in South Louisiana, I remember my family setting …

Cil Gregoire

Mrs. Zucherberg

Agnes Zucherberg was born in 1997. Today is her birthday. She is 103. Nurse Alice entered her room triggering the simulation of the dawning of a …

Cil Gregoire

We Are Not Alone

An interstellar space freighter picked up an unidentifiable signal during a return trip to home base. “What do you think it is?” the captain asked her …

Cil Gregoire

The Time Travel App

Nearly everyone agreed the new time travel app was the greatest invention since the internet. True, the new app had its limitations. It wasn’t time …

I was born in New Orleans, grew up in the Louisiana swamp, and then settled in Alaska as a young woman. After decades of living the Alaska dream, teaching school in the bush, commercial fishing in Bristol Bay and Norton Sound, and building a log cabin in the woods, life had provided me with plenty to write about. The years of immersion in the mystique and wonder, and challenges and struggles, of living in remote Alaska molded my heart and soul. It is that deep connection I share with my readers.
