Carl Douglass

Articles & Book Chapters

Carl Douglass

Three British Wars with Funny Names and Some Importance

Article VI. Three British Wars with Funny Names and Some Importance The Shortest War in History:     The little-known Anglo-Zanzibar War of 1896 is …

Carl Douglass


I respectfully submit an excerpt from a truely historical masterwork by Donald Kagan, The  Peloponnesian War, pp 217-218, Penguin Group, which is hauntingly appropriate for …

Carl Douglass


PART III How to swear effectively in narratives Rule One: Don’t. I learned how to swear at my father’s knee, improved when I worked as …

Carl Douglass

The Doctor’s Primal Fear To Err Is Homicide

Part I. The Case of Dr Hadiza Bawa-Garba   The case of Dr. Hadiza Bawa-Garba–a trainee pediatrician in the British NHS [National Health System]–convicted for …

Carl Douglass

Three British Wars with Funny Names and Some Importance

Article V. Three British Wars with Funny Names and Some Importance The Pig War:   The Pig War’ is perhaps one of the deservedly most …

Carl Douglass


PART II Some suggested does and don’ts for writing with local or period ways of speaking: Does In no order of importance. Experiment, use accents, …

Carl Douglass

Three British Wars with Funny Names and Some Importance

Article IV. Three British Wars with Funny Names and Some Importance PRESENT AUTHOR’S COMMENTARY:     By the time I was practicing general surgery for …

Carl Douglass


How to speak British PART I  Introduction: In all languages slang differs by location. In UK English, for example, many people say something is ‘pants’ …

Carl Douglass

Caliphs of the Shadows: The Islamic State’s Leaders Post-Mawla- 2

Table 1: The Islamic State’s Caliphs The death of Abu Ibrahim, however, has essentially marked the end of the era of the group’s ‘known caliphs.’ …

Carl Douglass

Three British Wars with Funny Names and Some Importance

Article III. Three British Wars with Funny Names and Some Importance THE ANSON EXPEDITION: The success of the Porto Bello operation led the British, in …

Carl Douglass

The Drastic Decline of Alaska’s Snow Crabs Population

PART 2 New science behind snow crab and Bristol Bay red king crab stock declines in Alaska came in 2022. The new research from scientists …

Carl Douglass

The Mysterious Dyatlov Pass Incident

It should be no surprise to learn that there are persisting mysteries in Russia, a notoriously secretive country since its founding. One of the most …

Action & Adventure

All In Jest – Chapter 13

All In Jest CHAPTER THIRTEEN Sybil was nervous and cranky the morning of the deposition. She ran her preparations over and over again through her …

Action & Adventure

All In Jest – Chapter 12

All In Jest CHAPTER TWELVE There were seven continuances, in all, for the van der Hoef case, stretching over nearly as many years, before the …

Action & Adventure

All In Jest – Chapter 11

All In Jest CHAPTER ELEVEN Things were going too well, it seemed to her. Dr. Norcroft was now established officially as the region’s certified skull …

Action & Adventure

All In Jest – Chapter 10

All In Jest CHAPTER TEN           Once again at home, Sybil took stock of her situation. She was overreacting to the outcome of the Evangelina …

Action & Adventure

All In Jest – Chapter 9

All In Jest CHAPTER NINE           The war of attrition launched by Paul Bel Geddes started insidiously. Sybil’s deposition in the van der Hoef case …

Action & Adventure

All In Jest – Chapter 8

All In Jest CHAPTER EIGHT Gerrit van der Hoef’s grandfather had worked in the Westminister County boat yards making tug boats. Gerrit’s father had worked …

Action & Adventure

All In Jest – Chapter 7

All In Jest CHAPTER SEVEN 2013 was a good year for Sybil Norcroft, M.D., PhD, F.A.C.S. George and Dolly’s four-year-old filly, Moccasin Walker, sold for …

Action & Adventure

All In Jest – Chapter 6

All In Jest CHAPTER SIX Blackman Schwartz met Sybil in the hospital cafeteria a week after the verdict in the Brendan McNeely case was delivered. …

Action & Adventure

All In Jest – Chapter 5

All In Jest CHAPTER FIVE Pancho had become the de facto foreman of Sybil’s ranch, in part because he was the eldest and most experienced …

Action & Adventure

All In Jest – Chapter 4

All In Jest CHAPTER FOUR After the deposition, Sybil felt depressed. Her attorney, her friends, and her family all reassured her, told her not to …

Action & Adventure

All In Jest – Chapter 3

All In Jest Chapter Three As soon as Sybil put down the receiver after her conversation with the aide at the medical examiner’s office, she …

Action & Adventure

All In Jest – Chapter 2

All In Jest Chapter Two The courtroom was stuffy–hot and full of the smell of tension. Sybil Norcroft felt the worst she could remember, second …

I chose to use a pseudonym for personal reasons. I’m a retired neurosurgeon living in a rural paradise and am at rest from the turbulent life of my profession. I lived in an era when resident trainees worked 120 hours a week–a form of bondage no longer permitted by law. I served as a Navy Seabee general surgeon during the unpleasantness in Viet Nam, and spent the remainder of my ten-year service as a neurosurgeon in a major naval regional medical center. I’ve lived in every section of the country, saw all the inhumanity of man to man, practiced in private settings large and small, the military, academia, and as a medical humanitarian in the Third World.
