November Newsletter

November is the month of Thanksgiving, a holiday we spend with family. A time to get together and celebrate.

As part of the Readers and Writers Book Club family, we would like to celebrate with you.

We’d love to hear what you are thankful for and celebrate the blessings we received this year! 

We, at Readers and Writers Book Club, are grateful to all Readers and Writers Book Club Members! We appreciate your continued support, for joining us on our monthly chats, and participating in our activities!

Monthly Features

Featured Author

Cil Gregoire

Alaska Sci-Fi Queen

New Book Release

Fifteen Earth-years ago, outcasts from three worlds joined together to colonize the uninhabited island continent Lynnara on planet Aaia. Motivations varied; Earthen Ilene searched for her aging father, who had not returned. Thayla, a Twakan princess, sought adventure and freedom from the Twakan royal family, and Aaians led by
Rojaire sought freedom from absolute government control. Now the Twakan throne, represented by Princess Xanthe and Prince Lozar, demands the return of Princess Thayla, taking Mentor Kaydra into custody until their demands are met. No one has heard from the colonists since they fled Mainland. And the portal to nearby Alaia Island no longer functions after a massive seismic event. Therefore, two ships are commissioned by the High Council to cross the Golden Sea in search of the colonists. What
ensues is a stunning journey into the unknown, a life-altering journey for some, redefining the meaning of freedom for them. Filled with challenges and intrigue, Crystal Shards is brushed in vivid imagination with unforgettable characters, transporting the reader to another world.

General Monthly Book Club Meeting
November 29, 2022 | 6 PM EST

Anthya’s World
Cil Gregoire

La Duquesa
Victoria Hardesty

One Last Cast
Evan Swensen

Thinking of Getting Published?

Becoming a Published Author is for anyone who has written a book, is writing a book, thinking of
writing a book, or knows someone who is thinking about writing a book.

Read the serialized chapters FREE on the Readers and Writers Book Club website.


Author Podcasts

The Last Word

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