April Newsletter

In April 2020, half of the world closed its door to neighboring countries. People were locked down, isolated from family, friends, and the rest of the world. Restaurants and public places were closed. There was nowhere to go. So we turned to news and social media to know what was happening outside our homes.

Living in the 20th century during the pandemic technology made it somehow bearable for us. The internet gave us access to almost everything we needed—online shopping for our essentials, messaging services to connect with loved ones, and streaming services to watch our movies.

Readers and Writers Book Club is not just an online place. We are sponsored by Author Masterminds, authors who write great stories to share with everyone. When there was nowhere to go at the time of the pandemic, books were the extension of places to escape when we were bored or lonely.

Are you feeling adventurous or wanting to solve a mystery? Not afraid of the dark and want something scary? Or do you want a glimpse of the future? You can find these stories in Readers and Writers Book Club—and much more! Not only does Reader and Writers Book Club give you remarkable stories to read, but you can also connect with authors and peers in the monthly meetings or reach out through our Facebook Group any time. And there’s always something new to expect every month!

Here’s a preview of what you will see from us this month of April.

Jen Rodriguez
Readers and Writers Book Club Newsletter Editor

The Story of Easter

Besides Christmas, Easter is the most important observance every year for Christians. In that spirit, I would like to share some information. Do you know why Easter is sometime in March, other times in April? Many pagan and religious customs were initially based on the earth’s rotation rather than on a specific day on the calendar. Pagan religions celebrated the spring equinox for the renewal of life, giving thanks to their many gods of nature. Depending on the exact alignment of the sun and the earth, the spring equinox occurs on March 19th, 20th or 21st. Jewish feasts and celebrations are also related to seasons, based on specific biblical instructions from God. The Passover is one of the most important Jewish Holidays. It celebrates the Jews escaping their bondage in Egypt. It is named Passover because of the 10th plague God put upon Pharaoh for not letting his people go, which was the death of all firstborns. For the Israelites’ protection, God told them to sacrifice a lamb for each household, placing its blood upon the doorpost so death would pass over their homes, whereas it would take the firstborn in the Egyptian homes that were not so marked. In the Bible’s book Exodus, the people are instructed to annually celebrate Passover for seven days, starting the 15th day of Nisan (using the Hebrew calendar), which coincides with the first full moon after the spring equinox. For Christians, Passover is significant because Jesus was in Jerusalem for the Passover celebrations when he was arrested and crucified. Then, through the New Testament narratives describing the events, we know the crucifixion was on Friday, and the Resurrection was on Sunday. Therefore, Easter is the first Sunday following the first full moon after the spring equinox. Jesus was the ultimate Passover Lamb; accepting and believing His sacrifice covers an individual’s soul with His blood, so God’s judgment will pass over the person with sins forgiven. Therefore, His Resurrection conquered death for all time, instead of just for a night as in Egypt.

Rebecca Wetzler
Purposeful Overcomer Sharing the Fruit of Faith

Updated Author Mastermind Novels in March

Becoming a Published Author
by Evan and Lois Swensen and many fine authors
Chapter 29 – 32

by Adam Freestone
Chapter 30 – 34

One Last Cast
by Evan Swensen
Chapter 26 – 30

Ravens Cove
by Mary Ann Poll
Chapter 26 – 29

The Matter of the Vanishing Greyhound
by Steve Levi
Chapter 19 – 22

All in Jest
by Carl Douglass
Chapter 6

Prince Ali
by Victoria Hardesty and Nancy Perez
Chapter 28 – 32

Tune in to Author’s Podcasts for more interesting contents

Mary Ann Poll’s Real Ghost Chatter
Latest Episode: Episode 63: Rosella C. Rowe Returns and Shares Experiences with Angels and Spirits

Robin Barefield’s Murder and Mystery in the Last Frontier
Latest Episode: Funny River Bones

Evan Swensen’s Alaska Outdoors Magazine
Latest Episode: Charlie’s Fifth Moose


The Three Amigos
Ask an Expert
April 19, 2022

Visit the Three Amigos Facebook Page

Monthly Raffle

This month, we are giving away a Signed Copy of Dullahan by Mary Ann Poll.

Click the button below to get a chance to win!

New Book for April! Watch out for the release. Get notified first when you subscribe to our mailing list.

Readers and Writers Book Club Members get exclusive pricing on titles by Author Masterminds.

Red Star: Water Bird’s Shadow

Water Bird’s Shadow is the second book of the thrilling Red Star Trilogy by Mary Flint.

The journey of Adresha continues as she finds her way home, uncovering mysteries one after another.

Club Features

Featured Club Member

Kristina Shimazaki

I am Dr. Nielson’s daughter! My name is Kristina, and I moved to Northern Virginia in 1994, soon after I was married, and have lived here ever since.

While I was growing up, we moved a lot because my father was a doctor in the Navy. That opened my eyes from an early age to change, different communities, and the love of adventure. My father knew that education and diverse experiences would lead to a more interesting and meaningful life. As I got older, I attended school in Mexico, Spain, and an all-girls Finishing School in Switzerland.

After Switzerland and extensive travel, I returned to the states and attended the University of Utah, majoring in French. Since that time, I earned a certificate as a Paralegal from the University of Irvine, CA.

My husband and I moved to Virginia, where I worked at a law office in Maryland and then for Sallie Mae in Georgetown, DC, and Reston, VA. My husband and I have three children; my oldest is a grad student at the University of Virginia. My next is a musical education major ay BYU in Idaho and recently married. My youngest is in 9th grade; she’s a dancer and vocal performer.

I now work at an elementary school as a special education assistant in our resource room. In addition, I run a nonprofit volunteer website in the area where I live called JustServe.org through The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I work extensively with the community to build relationships and serve. I am currently working with local government officials in Northern Virginia on a Ukrainian Refugee project.

I love to read and have read too many books to count. Recently, one of my favorite things is downloading an audiobook from my local library and listening to it while I exercise, drive, and work around the house. Books are a window into the world around us and into an imagination that is limitless. Books can help ease and excite the mind all at the same time.

Last year, I was privileged to join a couple of the Readers and Writers Book Club’s Facebook discussion. It was fun to hear about everyone’s book and their excitement.

I’m not a writer, but I love to read, and I especially like historical fiction.

I am in awe of my father and his prolific ability to write books. He is truly amazing, and so are the authors in the Readers and Writers Book Club.

Featured Author

Mary Ann Poll
America’s Lady of Supernatural Thrillers

I’m Mary Ann Poll, America’s Lady of Supernatural Thrillers and charter member of Author Masterminds. The first question most people ask is, “What is an Iconoclast?” Iconoclast means “The destroyer of religious beliefs or symbols.” I applied this definition to the supernatural realm, which is how the Iconoclast Thriller series was born. My books revolve around the battle between good and evil. They also revolve around the heroic acts of ordinary people who must face extraordinary, even unbelievable, circumstances. I draw from real-life experiences, as well as my imagination, to create these supernatural thrillers. These books combine my love for a creepy, goosebump-creating ghost story and my love for Christ. I am a proud pet lover, which is also reflected in my writing. I enjoy gardening, swimming, and spending time with my beloved family in my off time. I pray you enjoy reading Ravens Cove as much as I enjoyed writing it. Blessings in Christ!

Mary Ann Poll’s Dullahan

A sinister secret lies hidden in the swamps of East Texas. One which has been kept for centuries. A small town, a headless apparition, and a young man in a hospital holds the keys to unlocking the mystery.

Four thousand miles away, Kat Tovslosky, Ken Melbourne, and Bart Andersen prepare to leave Ravens Cove to prepare for a routine conference. Unfortunately, what begins as a well-needed break becomes the fabric of most people’s nightmares. For Kat, Ken, and Bart, though, it’s just another day in life.

Look out, East Texas, the Cove is coming to town. You might want to take cover. Because you see, their all-too-familiar nemesis is waiting for them in the small town of Bordsman’s Crossing and will destroy anyone who gets in his way.

Review by Amazon Customer Lynn Geth

“I don’t have to go into the whole story line because you can read that in the synopsis but Mary Ann Poll has done it again. She’s written an engrossing story of good vs. evil using all characters from the first three iconoclast books. I love Kat, Ken, Bart, Grandma and Josiah and because of the descriptive way the author writes, I feel like I’m part of family. The new characters are interesting also, making this book an all around winner!”

5 out of 5 Stars Rating

Featured Books

Exclusive Offer to Readers and Writers Book Club Members!

The Last Word

The Last Word is furnished by Robin Barefield, Alaska Wilderness Mystery Author

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