November Newsletter

As we approach the season of Thanksgiving, it is with great pleasure that we extend our warmest greetings to each of you. This time of year, filled with the aromas of bountiful feast and the embrace of loved ones, reminds us of the enduring tradition of gratitude.

Thanksgiving is more than a date on the calendar, it’s a timeless celebration of appreciation. It calls upon us to reflect on life’s many blessings and to give thanks for the abundance that surrounds us. This tradition not only enriches our lives but also inspires a culture of thankfulness that knows no bounds.

In the realm of literature, the connection with Thanksgiving is profound. The stories we delve into, from ageless classics to contemporary narratives, emphasize the importance of gratitude. They remind us that, while Thanksgiving may have its dedicated day, the sentiment of thankfulness is a year-round endeavor. These tales illustrate that gratitude is a theme that knows no temporal boundaries.

As we journey this season of reflection and thanks, let us commence the practice of counting our blessings today. Our literary world is a testament to the enduring power of gratitude, a sentiment that transcends Thanksgiving and finds its place in the hearts of our readers year-round.

Celebrating Our Success

Publication Consultants Win Torch Award for Ethics 2023

We couldn’t have achieved this prestigious award without the unwavering support of our incredible authors, dedicated readers, and loyal customers. Your trust and partnership have never been instrumental in our journey towards ethical excellence. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all who make our success possible. Together, we continue to light the way in the world of literature.

Learn More About Publication Consultants’ Torch Award Here

Featured Short Stories

A Thanksgiving Story

by Valerie Winans

November 1st arrives, replacing the ghostly allure of All Hallows Eve with the serenity of All Saints Day. It’s a time for gratitude and family gatherings, but for some, those gatherings can be less than pleasant

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Warts and All

by Rebecca Wetzler

Uncover the unexpected connection between warts, worry, and wisdom in this insightful narrative.

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Readers and Writers Book Club General Monthly Meeting

November 28, 2023, 6 PM EST

Join us for our November meeting, where we’ll share tales of gratitude, discuss the joy of Thanksgiving, and celebrate the love of literature.

Mary Flint at Dragonsteel 2023

November 21 & 22: SW Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
November 24 & 25: Cache County Event Center

Mary Flint at Grow Local Holiday Markets

November 29, Art Center of Corpus Christi.

For more details, click here.

New Book Releases

The Price of Paradise by Mark Schlenker

The Price of Paradise is a must-read for anyone who enjoys Alaskan adventure. From a childhood dream to the boreal forest, the author sets forth an unforgettable memoir of adventure and perseverance. You will feel the emotion of his successes and the pain of his failures. You will hear the howl of the wolves and shiver in the cold. You will shake your head in disbelief. You may laugh and cry, but most of all, you will know the freedom he found. A legend of the Last Frontier in his own right, Mark had the best of two worlds. He spent 34 years (1988-2021) working for the Alaska Department Fish and Game every summer, then hunting and trapping his way through the rest of the year. A lifetimes of riveting outdoor adventures lie between the covers of The Prince of Paradise. Mark’s harrowing adventures are rivaled by few.

A Regular American Guy by Bob Bell

A Regular American Guy is the story of one American guy. It begins with recounting his family’s eight generations of American citizenship. Then his relatively normal childhood and transition into adulthood. He manages to get through high school and works his way through college. He was thrust into the Vietnam War in 1968. A battle where you are almost killed can be profound experience. Reflecting on that traumatic event instilled in him a determination to make his life count regarding his fellow citizens and his family. So, he built an engineering and surveying firm from scratch employing hundreds of people. He served in elective offices and on community boards and commissions. He and Candace raised a family of five kids, who were well-cared for materially and emotionally, and all grew up to be happy and productive adults. He made his life count. That fight in Vietnam was not so much a major event in his life as it was a tipping point. It refocused his life plan. So marriage, the birth of children, business success, and public service were the major event, just like so many American men and women.


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The Last Word

Thanksgiving draws near, heralding the close of 2023. A decade ago, I stumbled upon an article that remains vivid in my memory, captivating the essence of this holiday. The spirit of Thanksgiving, unchanged since 1621 at Plymouth Rock, reminds us of our humble beginning. We sometimes overlook the modesty of the first feast in our land of abundance.

The Pilgrims, in their wisdom, marked a year of bounty with a feast and a lean year with a fast. It was either a moment of thanksgiving or a period of reflection. Today, even amidst challenges, we find abundance to be grateful for. This season, as we gather around tables of plenty or simplicity, let us remember our true wealth—the company of loved ones and the warmth of togetherness. Even with the simplest meal, we celebrate, for the richness lies not in the feast but in the hearts that share it.

May this Thanksgiving, no matter the spread, be your grandest feast yet. Gratitude has a way of turning even the smallest meal into an opulent banquet.

~ The Last Word by Mary Ann Poll

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