July Newsletter


Welcome, dear readers! We’re thrilled to continue Readers and Writers Book Club together. In the coming months, expect exciting changes as we continue improving Readers and Writers Book Club.

We remain committed to delivering the finest content. Members continue to enjoy the captivating short stories and discover new books from our talented Author Masterminds.

As we step into July, we have an array of delightful surprises in store. Engaging activities and exclusive events await you, designed with our members in mind. Join us for thought-provoking discussions and exclusive book launches.

We invite you to explore these exciting new offerings and embrace the joy of being a part of the Reader and Writers Book Club. Your presence and participation make our community thrive.

Thank you for joining us on this incredible journey. Let’s immerse ourselves in the magic of words and forge unforgettable literary adventures and friendships.

Warmest regards,
Readers and Writers Book Club Newsletter Editor

Exciting Delights for July

Battle of the Books Returns this July!

Battle of the Books is our exclusive weekly contest for Readers and Writers Book Club members. Watch Author Masterminds reads passages from their books and answer the question that follows correctly. You could be one of the three lucky winners to receive amazing prizes.

Sharpen your literary senses and dive into the thrilling Battle of the Books!

Battle of the Books is exclusive to Readers and Writers Book Club members. Make sure that your membership is updated so you don’t miss on the fun and exciting prizes!

Click here to view the full mechanics of Battle of the Books

Fresh Literary Arrivals

How McGee and Associates Prevented War in Ukraine by Russian Invasion

Carl Douglass’ new book was born out of frustration, anger, and optimism. Carl has a gut reaction to the hypocritical and genocidal war that Vladimir Putin euphemistically calls his “special military action” and how the Western world responded too little and too late to prevent the mass destruction and killing. There should have been more tanks, artillery, and combat radar along with fully armed Ukrainian Army troops on the eastern bank of the Dnipro River and modern bombers and fighter jets in the air well before dawn on February 24, 2021. The new book offers a plausible alternative to the Western World’s response, which would have produced victory before the mass destruction and murder began. The book is recent historical fiction, and is a spell-binding education about what is going on in Ukraine as it successfully pushes the Great Bear back.

How McGee and Associates Prevented War in Ukraine by Russian Invasion is a “what if?” What would the world be like if Ukraine and the United States stopped Russia in its tracks with courage and determination before the Great Bear decimated Ukraine? What if President Sybil Norcroft-Daniels had said “No,” and meant it? What if she got every asset of the US and other 47 nations, McGee and his partners, and the best of the best special ops and cyber soulless communist apparatchik? The author can imagine such outcome in vivid and gripping realism.

The Matter of the Hijacked Artifacts

In an adrenaline-fueled race against time, relentless insurance investigator Bernice Whitcomb confronts a mind-boggling puzzle: a seemingly worthless museum in Anchorage, Alaska, stolen clean burdening the insurance company with a staggering $10 million loss. Enter the brilliant Detective Heinz Noonan. Why would anyone steal something that has no value? And then stick the insurance company for a ten-million dollar loss? Follow the clues as Whitcomb and Noonan try to determine why anyone would steal an entire museum—and then hide it! See if you can figure out what is happening faster than Whitcomb and Noonan.

Celebrate Elverda Lincoln’s 100th Birthday
by Receiving and Reading a Free eBook

Elverda Lincoln will celebrate her 100th birthday with a party in the Wasilla Senior Center on Saturday, July 15, from 1 PM to 4 PM.

Elverda’s Udder Confusion, the first book published by Publication Consultants is an Alaska homesteader’s true-life adventure.

Bob and Elverda moved to Alaska in 1950 and settled in Wasilla. When they decided to move to Alaska, people exclaimed: “Alaska! You mean you’re going to farm in

Alaska? What are you going to harvest, ice and snow? You must be crazy.”

Elverda says, “We arrived in Alaska light on assets, young, vigorous, healthy, and optimistic about the future. Homesteading was exciting and full of experiences; each day was a new Alaska adventure. Life was hard but we met each problem with determination and ambition.”

“We learned that it isn’t what happens to you; it’s how you react that matters. As a result, our memories are of hard work, dreams, disappointments, plus many pleasant experiences.”

At 100 years old, Elverda has the energy of spring chickens and looks forward to her next Alaska adventure. She attributes her longevity to living healthy, being positive, and staying out of other people’s business.

When we published Udder Confusion, eBooks hadn’t been invented. In anticipation of Elverda’s birthday celebration, we converted Elverda’s book to an eBook. As part of her birthday celebration, we offer you a no-questions asked, free Udder Confusion eBook.

The book is entirely free; however, we ask that between now and July 15, you read the book and on Saturday, July 15, you send Elverda a Happy Birthday and include a note about Udder Confusion. We’d like Elverda to receive hundreds of Happy Birthday emails.

Featured Short Stories

Dive into the mind-boggling era of The Accumulation of Knowledge as Carl Douglass reflects upon his extraordinary journey through the most transformative centuries of human history. From the slow pace of knowledge doubling to the exponential growth of information, Carl explores the staggering challenge of keeping up with an ever-expanding universe of knowledge. Join him on a captivating exploration of technological progress, astounding discoveries, and the profound impact they’ve had on the course of humanity. Read The Accumulation of Knowledge now.


Mysterious explores the mysteries in the world around us. Brought to you by the authors from a variety of genres, we each tell you about a mystery related to our particular field of expertise. From mysterious disappearances and UFOs to the unexplainable behavior of a pig to an unsolved mass murder at sea to a nun who suddenly disappeared. We will explore mysteries in nature, mysterious occurrences in history, and the enigmas of space. Join us and take a closer look at the mysterious world around us.

Subscribe to Mysterious Podcast to be notified of new episodes

Literary Insights

Book Reviews by Author Masterminds

Although doctors are highly trained, focused, competent, and passionate about their field, they are still people, not infallible. Given that, most often, procedures and surgeries have the expected outcomes; unfortunately, there are outliers that the most skilled physicians cannot predict nor prevent. Additional problems may be found, unexpected, even minor issues, such as anatomy anomalies, can have significant effects, making it difficult to determine the exact cause of a poor or catastrophic outcome. Such is the nature of the complicated malpractice case in All in Jest begins with. Written by Carl Douglass, Neurosurgeon Turned Author Writes With Gripping Realism and a charter member of Author Masterminds, is well qualified to weave a tale

about a perfectionist neurosurgeon faced with her first malpractice case in an otherwise pristine enviable career. While the novel works through the culmination of the case, there is more to the life of this interesting woman. A reader with medical knowledge will be familiar with he precise medical terminology. Her stress release activity descriptions are equally illustrative of the author’s varied knowledge and precise vocabulary, and an unexpected twist will surprise readers.

If you enjoy this introductory story about Dr. Sybil Norcroft, you will want to check out the entire series of intrigues she finds herself in.

Review by Rebecca Wetzler

Readers and Writers Book Club Members enjoy 50% discount on all book purchases at Publication Consultants website

Book Club Benefits

At Readers and Writers Book Club, we are committed to providing you with the best book club experience possible. Starting in July, we’re thrilled to introduce even more benefits exclusively for our valued members. Beyond the existing perks of discounts, promotions, and raffles, we’re constantly brainstorming new ways for you to fully love and enjoy your book club journey. Your input is invaluable, so if you have any ideas for additional activities, please share them with us by email jen@publicationconsultants.com. Your feedback helps us tailor the book club to your preferences, ensuring your utmost enjoyment.

The Last Word

The Declaration of Independence emphasizes the importance of the common good for everyone:
We hole these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

Thomas Jefferson was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence within the Continental Congress committee given the task to write it.

Early in the document, Jefferson used the word ‘Creator,’ connoting God; however, history books have differing opinions of his meaning. While he professed to be a Christian, his belief system was unconventional, with others labeling it Deist in nature. It seems his logical, critically thinking mind wrestled with believing in the supernatural nature of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. However, he cherished and championed the evidence of God the Creator in nature and the universe, and the guiding morality of Jesus’ teachings.

If we look at one of the quotes on the walls of his Washington D.C. Memorial, Thomas Jefferson is quoted as saying, “God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the people’s minds that these liberties are a gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice cannot sleep forever.” He recognized flouting that the gift of liberty from God will eventually bring His righteous justice upon the thankless citizens’ heads. Wise words that every generation must remember.

The Last Word by Rebecca Wetzler

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