March Newsletter

♥ Books You Shouldn’t Miss This Month ♥

Solving a crime is always exciting, no matter what month of the year. If you’re looking for something exciting and like your gears going, this story is right for you!

Murder Over Kodiak by Robin Barefield

A floatplane mysteriously explodes above Alaska wilderness and investigators begin digging into the lives of the five passengers. Who was the target? The US Senator? Her husband? Could it be for the cannery owner or the refuge manager? Even the pilot could be the target of the bomb. Dr. Jane Marcus is determined to find out who murdered her young assistant, the other passengers, and the pilot before she becomes the next victim.

Do you have big love for our furry friends? Step into their shoes and see in their eyes, in this journey as a man’s bestfriend.

A Hero’s Journey by Valerie Winans

Remington Beagle learns life lessons from five famous canines. Balto, RinTinTin, Smoky, Barry, and Sgt. Stubby. As Remington travels in time and space to live as each of these dogs, the lessons he learns from them enables him to step into a hero’s role for himself, but he doesn’t make this journey or learn these lessons alone. He has help from his best friend, Rudy Carl the Rottweiler, Greg the woodchuck, Sophie the rabbit, Who the owl, and even a garden snake.

The Three Amigos Facebook Group:
Readers and Writers Book Club Group:

Explore Readers and Writers Book Club

Serialized Books

Explore full novels from the Author Masterminds through our website. Get to know each author’s genre to help you find the books you might be looking for a long time!

Mysterious by Author Masterminds

Mysterious explores the mysteries in the world. Brought to you by authors from a variety of genres, each tells you about a mystery related to their particular field of expertise. From mysterious disappearances and UFOs, to the unexplainable behavior of a pig, to an unsolved mass murder at sea, to a nun who suddenly disappeared. Explore mysteries in nature, mysterious occurrences in history, and the enigmas of space. Take a closer look at the mysterious world around us in Mysterious by Author Masterminds Podcast

Short Stories from Author Masterminds

Discover stories that will make you feel excited and thrilled. Enjoy the heart-warming feeling of reading a loving story between humans and animals. Solve mysteries and go on adventures. We have different stories for all your reading pleasure. Written by Author Masterminds authors, all these stories can be accessed free from our website!

The Last Word

23Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for humans masters, 24since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Colossians 3:34-24

I think every one of us have had someone who has control over us, (home, work, or volunteer) who discourages us in how we do things. They may even deliberately try to sabotage us. I have had at least two such supervisors. For the second supervisor, I could do almost nothing that satisfied her. It was tempting to think why put so much effort into the job, she does not appreciate my efforts no matter how accurate; for some unknown reason she was unhappy with me.

During that time, the Lord gave me the above scripture. It reminds me that I represent Him in everything I do. Everything. I want, I must do my best for Him, no matter what. He expects it from me. Your ultimate superior is the Lord: always remember that in all situations.

-Rebecca Wetzler

    2 thoughts on “March Newsletter”

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